The AIADMK, which has been on the Tamil Nadu throne for 10 years, is now in the opposition ranks after embracing defeat in the last assembly elections. In this context, the party leadership has decided to convene a meeting of district secretaries for the first time since the assembly elections. AIADMK district secretaries, AIADMK coordinator O. Panneerselvam and co-coordinator Edappadi Palanisamy are scheduled to hold consultations with the chief executives next Friday.
Various important issues are to be discussed at this consultative meeting. Local elections are expected to be held in September or October for 9 districts. Therefore, it has been reported that the district secretaries are to be consulted at the meeting regarding the preparations.
Similarly, the audio of Sasikala continuously talking on his cell phone with AIADMK volunteers has been released. It is also said that important decisions can be made to put an end to this problem. Following the passage of the resolution against Sasikala in an earlier consultation meeting with AIADMK legislators, the party leadership is set to consult with district secretaries as well. It has been reported that the next steps of the AIADMK will be discussed at the meeting to be held at the party headquarters in Raipet, Chennai on the 9th.
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