A fine of Rs.1.5 crore has been imposed on 12 Tuticorin fishermen arrested for fishing across the border.
On the 5th of last month, 22 fishermen from Thoothukudi district with 3 boats went fishing in Mannar’s North-West Horse Hill Sea and were arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy for illegal fishing across the border.
The arrested fishermen were also charged with destroying fisheries by using high-horsepower machines and were kept in a Sri Lankan jail until the 20th. On the 20th, the judge who re-heard the case had ordered to remand the case till date.
In this case, the Sri Lankan court ordered a fine of Rs.1.5 crore each (Indian value is about Rs.42 lakh) to 12 Tuticorin fishermen during the hearing of the case today. The Sri Lankan court ordered that if they fail to pay the fine, they will be sentenced to 6 months in prison and the rest of the 10 will be remanded until the 10th.
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